Monday, September 26, 2011

Various Kinds of Musical Instruments

This instrument is an instrument that created or modified for the purpose of producing music. In principle, anything that produces sound, and a certain way can be arranged by the musicians, can be called as a musical instrument. Nevertheless, the term is generally reserved for equipment specifically intended for music.Field study of a musical instrument called organological.

Musical instruments based on sound sources

Idiofon, is a musical instrument sound sources originating from basic ingredients. Example: kolintang, drums, bongo, kabasa, angklung 
Aerofon, is a musical instrument sound sources originating from the blast of air in the cavity. Example: flute, trumpet, harmonica, trombone. 
Chordofon, is a musical instrument sound source comes from the strings. Example: bass, guitar, violin, guitar, sitar, piano, harp.
Membranofon, is a musical instrument sound source from the membrane or membranes. example: drums, drum, drums, tam-tam, tambourine 
Elektrofon, is a musical instrument sound sources generated by electricity (electronic). Example: keyboards, electric guitar, electric bass.

Play a musical instrument based on the way 

Wind instruments produce sound when a column of air in it vibrated. High-low tone is determined by the frequency of the generated waves associated with the air column length and shape of the instrument, while the timbre is affected by basic materials, construction tools and how to produce it. Examples of this instrument is the trumpet and flute.Percussion instruments produce sound when struck or beaten.Percussion instruments are divided into two pitched and pitched.The shape and material parts of the instrument and forms the cavity resonance, if any, will determine the resulting instrument sound.Examples are kolintang (pitched), drums (no tone), and bongo (no tone). 
Stringed instruments produce sound when the strings are vibrated by plucking. High-low tone is generated from the short length of string. 
Stringed instrument stringed instrument produces sound when swiped. As with stringed instruments, high-low tone depending on the length and shorter strings.

Musical instruments press 

Actually 'musical hit' does not include any category. But the way the press seems to be a part of the system produces the desired sound. Press instrument has three types: tap to hit, hit to blow, and tap to activate the electronic system. So if I may be categorized, 'musical hit' among others, acoustic piano (chordofon o'clock), the acoustic organ (aerofon), acordion (aerofon) and electronic musical instruments that use a key board (keyboard).

Electronic musical instrument 

Electronic musical instruments produce sound imitation of the original instrument (acoustic). The term synthesizer used for musical instruments that use a key board (keyboard). While the electric instruments used for musical instruments are equipped with electronic components. This tool is similar to how to play acoustic instruments. For example an electric guitar, electric drums and electric bass.

Single band 

The rapid development of digital technology led to the birth of software tools for the purpose of a more efficient and effective as a single band of musical instruments. This instrument is very practical as it is quite playable by one person. In it there is a rhythm (style), a variety of sounds, and simple recording facilities. Yamaha named this device with portasound (portable sounds). While Roland called as electone (electric tone).

Cheap price of the device and efesiennya costs, causing single band nowadays to be excellent for those who want entertainment economically practical. When compared with the full band at least is played by 4 people plus a powerful sound system, then the single band into alternative options are quite affordable.


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