Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The violin is a stringed musical instrument played by means swiped. The violin has four strings (GDAE), which is set different from each other by intervals of perfect fifth. The lowest tone is G. Among the violin family, with the viola, cello and double bass or contra bass, the violin has the highest tones. Other stringed musical instruments, bass, technically entered the viol family. Sheet music for violin almost always uses a key or written on G.

A name that is commonly used for violin fiddle, and violin is often called a fiddle when used to play traditional songs.

In the Indonesian language, people who play the violin is called a violinist (pebiola), or a violinist (English: violinist - distinguished by violinist or viola player). People who make or fix a stringed musical instrument called a luthier.

A violin is divided into several parts, the violin body, neck violin, viola bridge, finger board, strings, and several kinds of tools. Auxiliary devices, among other tuner pegs for each string, tail to hold the violin strings, pins and straps to hold the tail of a violin, a violin tuner add-on tail when needed, and a chin support. (Buffer chin can be incorporated with a violin or a tail attached to his left.)

Violin body consists of two curved soundboard united by a wood called ribs are glued violin using animal glue, animal hide glue, or resin. Ordinary violin ribs consist of the top, the four corners, the bottom, and the thin line called the inner layer, which helps maintain the grooves on the violin ribs, and extend the surface for gluing. Viewed either from front or from behind, the violin body shape resembles an hourglass. Two curve resembles the letter C on either side provides space for violin violin bow to move.


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